Atlanta's Past Revisted

Where Atlanta's Forgotten Past Is Brought to Life

Welcome to Atlanta’s Past Revisted

Welcome to “Atlanta’s Past Revisited.”  With Atlanta’s landscape drastically changing over time, many Atlanta residents are finding themselves researching and investigating the Atlanta of yesteryear. Especially native Atlantan’s such as myself who not only find themselves missing the historical architecture of Atlanta, but are also interested in the historical background of many abandoned and decaying Atlanta buildings.

What initially began as a blog about abandoned Atlanta Public Schools and the history behind their demise, this blog ultimately grew to include other historical buildings I’ve noticed while photographing and documenting Atlanta Public Schools.

Using historical repositories, Sandborn Fire Maps and scholarly books about the history of Atlanta, I hope to provide a story behind the abandoned buildings we see today.

For information regarding forgotten Atlanta Public Schools, please visit my sister site APS Forgotten Treasures.


Updates are coming soon in 2023! As you may know, research can take a moment, please bear with me as I search and write all content single handily. I cannot wait to show you what we have in store.  – Kia Guest-Holloway(06/10/2023)

History of Atlanta

The video (not my creation) will provide newbies with historical background on the city of Atlanta.